Anything goes with the design of this themed Summer Flower Pot. As long as it makes you think of long sunny days spent in the garden it’s a winner! Think bumble bees, brightly-coloured flowers and ladybirds and browse our selection of vibrant craft goodies to inspire you. Take a look at our How to Make below:
You will need:
- Ceramic flower pot
- Black felt or card
- White felt or card
- Yellow ribbon or paper
- Wiggle eyes
- Pipe cleaner stems (various colours)
- Yellow pom-poms
- Selection of buttons
- Brown tissue paper
- PVA glue
- Scissors
For the pipe cleaner stem flowers:
- To make the flowers, take two pipe cleaner stems of the same colour and twist them together to create one stem.
- For the petals, take four pipe cleaner stems and curl them around into a circular shape – trying to keep the circle tight so there is no gap in the centre of your petal.
- Once you have created four of these, overlap your petal shapes slightly and glue them together with PVA glue.
- Now take a button and glue this in the centre of your flower head.
- Finally, attach the head of your flower to the pipe cleaner stem using PVA glue and set to one side to dry.
For the bee:
- Cut out a stretched circle shape on a piece of black card, foam or felt (this will be the body of your bee).
- From the same material, cut a circle for the head.
- Now using strips of yellow ribbon or paper, glue these to the body to create a stripy look.
- Glue some wiggle eyes to the head of your bee and attach the head to the body.
- Finally, cut two wing shapes from white felt or card and glue these to the underside of your bee.
- Once dried, this can be glued to your pot.
For the flowers on the pot:
These flowers were created by cutting petal shapes from felt and gluing them to the flower pot, surrounding a yellow pom-pom in the centre. Why not add a pipe cleaner to the bottom of your flower for the stem?
Once you have finished decorating the outside of your pot, glue the pipe cleaner stem flowers to the bottom of your pot and cover with scrunched up brown tissue paper so it resembles soil.
And then you’re finished!